Planting A Better Future For Our Planet, Are You In?

Treewater is 501(c)(3) Non-Profit organization focusing on helping the world with global deforestation. If you like to help… Welcome! we need people like you!



We are TreeWater, our mission is to bring orientation and knowledge about the importance of trees. The human species is the only one who is able to stop our ruining of our forests and natural habitats. We are still able to stop this global issue! plant trees.

Statistics shows more than 14.5 billion trees are cut each year. Imagine a world without trees, our human experience will perish without the oxygen they provide. Trees intercept airborne particles, reduce heat, and absorb pollutants like: carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide. They clean the soil, control noise pollution, provide shade, and cooling, and they fight soil erosion.

Everything arounds us is coming from trees, air, woods, biodiversity protection for birds and animals, perfumes, spices, bring peace to the mind and most importantly water quality.

With your help, we can change the way we live our lives…healthier, cleaner, longer, and greener.

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Learn More About TreeWater

We can help save the earth from deforestation. It's more than just putting a seed in the ground - it's helping people and nature thrive.

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Help Us In Healing Our Planet

We inspire people to plant, nurture, and celebrate trees all over the world!
